Steel preparation/parts processing for the shipbuilding industry

Steel preparation/parts processing for the shipbuilding industry

Processes in the shipbuilding industry are steadily advancing with development. Our lifting magnets are also used in shipbuilding as equipment accessories for fixed welding, lifting, and handling. Manufacturing large ships have gradually changed from riveting to welding, and welding methods, processes, and equipment have steadily developed from the earlier gas and arc welding to laser welding.

lifting magnets

The materials used in shipbuilding are many and varied, with steel being the largest. For example, manufacturing a cargo ship with a loading capacity of 10,000 tons requires 3,000 to 4,000 tons of steel. The ship body with the material is mainly carbon steel and low-alloy, high-strength steel. Using high-strength steel can reduce the weight of the hull and the propulsion power to achieve more passengers or improve the speed. Smaller ships also use aluminum, glass steel, or titanium alloys as hull materials. Ships need to operate in harsh environments for marine materials. In addition to ensuring the smelting method, chemical composition, and mechanical properties, weldability and corrosion resistance have high requirements. The basic processes are as follows.

  1. Steel preparation

In the number of materials before the steel for correction, rust removal, and primer work, marine steel is often due to uneven rolling calendering, uneven cooling shrinkage after rolling or transport, storage process, and other factors in the impact of various deformations. For this reason, the plates and sections are first straightened by a multi-roller plate leveler and a section straightener, respectively, after being removed from the steel yard to ensure that the numbering, edging, and forming process is carried out correctly. The straightened steel is generally polished to remove rust, sprayed with primer, and dried. After this treatment, the steel is sent to the gauge. These processes often form a pre-processing automatic assembly line, using conveyor rollers to connect with the steel yard steel lifting and other subsequent transport line processes to achieve comprehensive mechanization and automation of hull parts preparation and processing.

  1. Hull parts processing

The whole processing includes two parts: edge processing and forming processing. Edge processing follows the shape of the hull parts cut out on the steel after the number of material, the use of the shear bed or oxyacetylene gas cutting, and plasma cutting for cutting. The edges of some parts also need to be beveled with gas cutters or edge planers. The photoelectric tracking gas cutting machine in the gas cutting equipment can automatically track the lines on the scale chart and cut on the steel plate through the synchronous servo system. We can use it with manual numbering and projection numbering. The use of CNC gas cutting machines not only has a high cutting accuracy but also cuts directly according to the mathematical data of the sample, eliminating the numbering process and automating the sample and cutting process.

For the curvature, folded or folded edge and another spatial shape of the hull plate also need to form processing, Mainly used for roller bending machine and rolling machine for cold bending. Or the use of water fire developing processing method, that is, in the plate according to the predetermined heating line with the oxygen-acetylene torch for local heating and water tracking cooling, so that the plate produces local deformation, bending into the required curved shape, for profiles used as ribs, etc. The ribs are mostly bent into shape using cold bending machines. The development of digital control technology has used digital control rib cold bending machines. Then the story of the digital control plate bending machine and hull parts processing progressed from mechanization to automation.

What can HVR provide?

HVR offers industrial lifting magnets that will boost your productivity. Our lifting magnets has the proper lifting systems to allow us to handle various steel plates. Could you give us an email today to get started?

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