Some steel mills or steel fabrication centers may have tried lifting metal sheet with different types of lifting tools, like plate clamps, tongs, strings, etc. Some are using magnetic lifting device to get their job done. Here comes a commonly asked question, how to lift metal sheet with a magnet?
Well, to answer that question, first, you need to choose a proper type of magnetic lifting technology.
◆For manufactures who values lifting safety and energy efficiency, electro-permanent magnetic lifter might be a good choice.
Use battery powered lifting magnet to lift metal sheet, with a weight range of 500kg-5ton, in areas where power supply is unavailable.
Use magnetic lifting system, a spreader bar hanging two or more magnetic lifters to lift big plate, from 500kg-40ton.
◆For small metal sheet lifting , hand-held permanent magnetic lifters can also do. Compatible, easy to operate, suitable for light weight steel lifting.
◆For tilt lifting or vertical lifting of steel plate, we suggest HVR MAG’s magnetic lifting deivce, specially designed to lift metal sheet from horizontal to vertical direction.
◆For uses in sheet metal plate cutting system, you could try HM5 Series cutting table magnets for lifting steel plate. Loading and unloading the sheet and cut parts in one movement.
After choosing the right magnetic lifting system, you can start the lifting process. To begin with, clean the surface of metal sheet, to make sure that no other substance on it for a better contact face between the magnet and the sheet.
Good contact between the surfaces of the magnet and the load is essential for the magnet to achieve optimum and safe performance. To maximise contact, both the magnet face and the load surface should be as smooth and clean as possible and the air-gap kept to a minimum. The surface texture or finish of the load and the presence of paint, rust, oxide scale, oil, ice and snow etc and non-magnetic material on either surface will increase the air-gap, thus reducing the contact and, possibly, the magnetic effectiveness.
Next, make sure no one is standing near or under the magnetic lifting device. Manipulate the whole lifting operation with radio remote control, which avoids the close proximity to the heavy sharp metal sheet.
HVR MAG provides magnetic lifting devices to load and/or unload steel sheets from pallets, racks, cutting tables, shears and more for different types of applications in industries. All our magnetic lifters can serve to move and position steel workpieces of various shapes and lengths, quickly and without damage save both valuable storage space and time.
Welcome to visit www.hvrmagnet.com to learn more, or send an e-mail to export@hvrmagnet.com.